domenica 29 maggio 2011

black fanfare. (names I admire)

sabato 28 maggio 2011

light design

Good (light) design is like a constant Linus' blanket for me...

0) Yang Touch (Artemide)
1) Pod lens (Luceplan)
3) Binic (Foscarini)
4) One line (Artemide)
5) Living color (Philips)

artfx 03): yang touch (Artemide's light, metamorphosis series).

burnt down area

Hidden ParmaHidden ParmaHidden ParmaHidden ParmaHidden ParmaHidden Parma Hidden Parma

burnt down area, un set su Flickr.

hidden parma #02

exploring the axis

Exploring the axisExploring the axisExploring the axisExploring the axisExploring the axis

exploring the axis, un set su Flickr.

hidden parma #01

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